Prophetess Michelle Clemons, sent this dream, about myself confirming the dream of an invasion, nuclear attack, mushroom clouds, Americans fighting back in self-defense, and many Americans citizens captured.
This is the dream that I had concerning you. I dreamed that two men in dark suits and ear pieces in their ear came to what seems to be your home, ( two story home that was beautiful), their mission was to deliver a letter from the President that requested your presence in the White House, when you read the letter, you expressed that you felt unworthy to go to the White House before the President.
The scene changed. You were in the White House where there were two men in suits posted at two very tall and huge, dark oak double doors, they opened the doors to let you in. At that point President Obama extended his hand to you for a handshake, with him in the office was a short Korean, Chinese or of that Origin, which had sly grin on his face the entire time, and an Arabic, Palestinian, or of that Origin which had a hateful look, a look of disdain in his eyes and on his face.
President Obama proceeded to tell you that He didn't understand why the people of the nation accuses him of the state that there in, his reasoning was He is not the first President, so, his decisions and contributions are not solely why were in this perdicament.
He also stated that He Believed in God, and you came highly recommended as a credible Prophet.
He asked you what did you see? What was God showing you concerning things to come?
You answered by saying, You saw two big metal ships in the middle of the ocean, that held missiles of massive destruction in them, and there was activity that was going on under the sea. As you were telling Him what you saw I could literally see a picture in the spirit of what you were seeing.
As I looked, I saw 4 Lions with eagle talons as feet, and the lions had eagle eyes, their mane was like unto fire, with the color being a deep golden burnt orange. They were posted as in a north, south, east, and west position, the water was very grey and troubled.
You turned towards the President and asked for permission to release a personal word to him, he allowed you to. You walked over to him and began to whisper in his ear and his reaction was that he buckled as if he was going to fall, but two men in dark suits with ear pieces in their ears were there to bear him up. I woke up from the dream.
(Jeremiah 51:47 KJV) - Therefore behold, the days are coming, that I will bring judgment on the graven images of Babylon; her whole land shall be ashamed, and all her slain shall fall in her midst