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* Certified Temperament Counselor

 * Licensed Clinical pastoral Counselor 
 * Certified CPE, (Clinical Pastoral

 * Educator)             

 * Certified Chaplain

*  Member of National Christian Counselors Association (NCCA)

 * Dr. Degree in Divinity and Ministry 


Prophetess Elle Jean Deshazo- Williams better known to many as Sister Jean, served in the US Army/ Nat’l Guard for over 21 years.   Sister Jean service to the U.S. Military aided in her call of God to move strongly in spiritual warfare through prophetic dance and ministering in Apostolic Deliverance Nationally and Internationally alongside her husband Apostle Kernaa Williams Sr.  Prophetess Jean believes in the Antioch church pattern and the five fold ministry being implemented and established among the body of Christ. Prophetess Jean when ministering always desire's to give God’s peoples the Father’s heart.  As a Prophetess she has a mandate to preach holiness and to expound on sound doctrine and the unadulterated word of God. Prophetess Jean exemplifies a genuine love for God’s people; she embraces the brokenhearted, and cries out to God for the releasing of those in bondage and to set the captives free. Prophetess Jean offers one on one counseling to women who deal with demonic bondage and daily issues. She is a volunteer Chaplin .  She attended Liberty University and studied Christian Psychology Counselor.  She attended Emory University and studied as a Clinical Pastoral Educator, She attended Jacksonville Theological Seminary where she receive her Licensed as a Clinical Pastoral Counselor and a Certified Temperament Counselor.  Her goal is to launch a counseling center.  She and her husband Apostle Kernaa also offer counseling from demonic bondage.  Prophetess Jean loves the Lord and would like to advise that with being used by God it is nothing within her own power and would like to give all the glory to Jesus Christ her Lord and Savior together!

Prophetess Jean Williams: About Us
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